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K- 07 25 10 14

Special pneumatic oil

Zvolte prosím některé provedení

Zobrazit tabulku položek



Teplotní rozsah
  • od -35 °C do + 85 °C 
Celní tarifní číslo
  • 27101999 

Popis výrobku

Další údaje na dotaz.
For oil-mist lubricators, pneumatic tools and pneumatic systems. Heavy-duty lubricating oil for hydraulic and pneumatic systems, type HVLP acc. to DIN 51524, Part 3. Mineral oil based for high functional and operating reliability. The high viscosity index of 190 permits several viscosity classes to be covered with one oil quality, so that smooth running is guaranteed even at very low temperatures. Good corrosion protection, excellent resistance to ageing and special wear protection assure optimal working. The oil contains no zinc compounds.

Product variants

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